I'm back at it again! This past fall semester (Fall 2019) I successfully completed my Digital Humanities certificate! My mapping project was my capstone project, and the new and improved map is up on this website! I also did two blog posts last semester. Both are hosted on the University of Iowa's DH Studio blog. The first post, titled "Back At it aGenji" discusses my work as of halfway through the semester. In this post, I clarify my categories, discuss hierarchy of locations and what I was aiming to achieve for the project that semester.
My second post "Points on a Map" talks about my "final" product for the semester, and the process that got me there. That being said, it's a new semester so there's new things in the works for this project! This spring I'm focusing on my translation thesis, so I'm slowing down a bit on my Genji work. But I'm not stopping! I'm taking a(nother) Tale of Genji course where my professor is graciously allowing me to design an assignment for her students that looks at using the map and text in conjunction together to do textual analysis. I am hoping to utilize and synthesize the information that the students find and incorporating it into a Location Dictionary specific to my map. I will be presenting on this project at the Association of Asian Studies (AAS) conference in March on the digital humanities lightning panel (Saturday, March 21st (2020)).